We started our journey to build a values-based culture earlier this year and over
the last several months we’ve been hard at work laying the foundation needed to foster,
and ultimately sustain, a values-based culture across the entire UNT System.
The journey started when we established a new UNT System Vision. This vision states:
By 2026, the UNT System is one team, values-driven and customer-focused with an emphasis
on excellence, curiosity, and innovation.
Once we defined a clear vision, we set out to establish a unified set of core values
and associated behaviors knowing that in time, these values and behaviors will permeate
our system – its decisions, its policies, its actions.
We thoughtfully engaged with each of you throughout the process through surveys, Join
the Journey sessions, and workshops. Along each step of the way, I was inspired and
appreciative of the work many of you contributed, and the rich diversity of thought,
ideas and participation along the way that led us here today.
In early November, 125 of our fellow team members were invited to participate in a
two-day Values Blueprint Workshop. They came from all the campuses with a variety
of expertise and backgrounds and engaged in thoughtful discussion to define and state
our UNT System values and behaviors.
I am pleased to share the UNT System’s core values and behaviors (en español) that we will ultimately all agree to live by: Courageous Integrity, Be Curious,
We Care, Better Together, and Show Your Fire.
These core values, along with the behaviors associated with each, were clearly defined
and stated during the Values Blueprint Workshop and agreed upon by your presidents,
colleagues, and leaders.
This work is more important than you may know or understand at this point in our journey.
In time, the power of one team with clearly defined values and behaviors will become
clear. I encourage you to spend time learning and becoming familiar with our values.
Upon our return from winter break, we will host a series of events introducing our
values and getting to know what they mean and how we can begin to live them.
I am excited about what lies ahead for our System, and I’m confident our new values
will guide us to a highly successful future. I am fully committed to living these
values each and every day and invite you to join me.
With gratitude,
Dr. Michael R. Williams

Join the Journey Kickoff
The information sessions took place in October 2022 and were hybrid, meaning they were in-person and online.
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Shaping Our Culture
Empowering one another to make values-based decisions creates a culture of promoting individual potential.
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What is a Culture System?
A Values Blueprint is the strategic and forward thinking vision for your ideal workplace (PeopleInk).
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