Tuesday, June 20, 2023
UNT Dallas College of Law welcomes Katie Powley as the Assistant Director of Admissions. Ms. Powley, a proud
UNTDCOL alumna, graduated in 2021. Before joining the Office of Admissions, she served
as a Legal Nurse Consultant at Mellon, Pries, Kowalski, LLC in Troy, Michigan and
The Clinesmith Firm in Dallas, Texas. Prior to law school, Ms. Powley worked as a
Registered Nurse in the trauma and burn ICU, the inpatient OR, and as a Sexual Assault
Nurse Examiner.
Ms. Powley considers her alma mater a special law program that grants uncommon opportunities at great value. “UNT Dallas College of Law offers an ABA-accredited legal education with tuition within reach for North Texans. The law school provides the opportunity to pursue a legal education for students who once thought their law school dreams weren’t attainable,” Ms. Powley said. “The UNTDCOL cohort is blended with students from a variety of backgrounds, some of whom are returning to school after careers in other areas and/or military service. The diverse student body at UNTDCOL enhances each student’s professional and personal growth while creating new lawyers who are dedicated to serving their communities.”
As the new Assistant Director of Admissions, Ms. Powley is focused on increasing awareness of College of Law opportunities available to both traditional and non-traditional law students. She plans to utilize marketing and recruitment strategies in furtherance of the UNTDCOL mission. Specifically, she will work to highlight the benefits of a legal education as a primary career path for new college graduates, as well as a secondary career path for adults in the workforce.
For more information about UNT Dallas College of Law, please contact Victor McGlothin, Director of Integrated Marketing and Communications at victor.mcglothin@untdallas.edu
From UNT Dallas Law News