Linking and Uploading

How to link

When you add a link to a page, you can link to a page inside your Omni CMS website, or to an external web page.

Linking icon in Omni CMS

Linking to an external webpage

An external webpage is any page that is not inside the UNT System realm.  The important thing to remember is that you should only link to external sites that have approved partnerships with UNT System.  Please do not link to unapproved sites because that could create security issues.

Linking Text

When linking to a page or file within our website, pick the page using the Browser icon Use the browser icon to choose a file, rather than pasting in the filepath. This way, dependency manager keeps track of your link and keeps it from breaking if the page is moved or renamed.

Use the dependency tag to ensure that links are not broken when file is moved or renamed.

Use the dependency tag {{f:xxxxxxxx}} by browsing to the file you need to link.


Do not use the filepath in the linking field.

Using the file path will cause broken links if file is moved or renamed.

  1. Select the text or phrase that you want to link.
    1. Avoid using "Click here."  Users know what a link is and how to use a mouse. It’s unnecessary to call attention to the mechanics when clicking a link.
    2. Link the actual phrase.  (i.e., Please view the First Steps in Content Publishing for more information.) 
    3. Don't write out the url on the page. (UNT System Workspaces, not
  2. On the toolbar, click the "Insert/Edit Link" tool.
  3. In the "Insert/Edit Link" window,  click the Browser icon Use the browser icon to choose a fileto the right of the url field.
  4. From the file chooser, pick the .pcf page you want to link to. Click "Insert" when done.
  5. To link to an external web page, paste the full address into the field (must include https://) and choose Open Link in New window. 
  6. The "Title" field is the text that appears when someone hovers over the link.

Make sure to fill out the Title field

The title field will display upon mouse hovering over the text or image.


Title display on the front end

The front end display of the title field.

How to upload

Filenames must follow the naming convention. Omni CMS will allow you to change the name of a file during the upload process, but its easier to do it ahead of time.

  • Only lowercase letters and numerals allowed.  Use hyphens or underscores to separate words.
    • Acceptable: "this-is-a-good-filename.jpg" or "this-is-a-great-filename-2.xls"
  • No capital letters or spaces allowed.
    • Not Acceptable:  "This-Filename-Is-Not-Good.jpg" or "This File Name is Not Good.xls"
  • Must end in a file extension

Uploading Images

Adding images to your webpages follows the same rules as adding hyperlinks, but there is one very important task to remember:  fill out the Alt Text field!

Text alternatives ("alt text") convey the purpose of an image, including pictures, illustrations, charts, etc. Text alternatives are used by people who do not see the image. For example, people who are blind and use screen readers can hear the alt text read out; and people who have turned off images to speed download or save bandwidth can see the alt text. (


UNT's Scrappy the Eagle

A good alt text is clear, concise, and descriptive!

  • Ok alt text: "Eagle"
  • Better alt text: "Scrappy the Eagle"
  • Best alt text: "UNT mascot Scrappy the Eagle"

Alt Text is not for keywords.  There is already a section in Omni CMS to use keywords.

  • Not acceptable:  Putting no description
  • Not acceptable:  Putting too many phrases like "eagle unt university of north texas scrappy mascot" 


Just like with the text links, there is a Title field.  This text displays when the user hovers over the image.

Inserting an image properly in Omni CMS


Displaying the title upon mouse hover


Uploading while editing a page

  1. While editing an editable region, create a link as in the above steps.
  2. In the "Insert/Edit" box, check the file chooser for your dedicated "docs" or "files" folder if you have one. If you don't, you should be in /sites/default/files/ by default.
  3. In the "Insert/Edit" box, click Upload in the top right corner.
  4. In the "Upload" box, click Use the +Add button to upload files. to browse or drag files from your computer to the "Upload" box.
  5. Files to be uploaded appear in a list. You can remove files or rename them. Files that need to be renamed are highlighted. Use the [...] icon to the right.
    1. After renaming, you must click in some empty space to confirm your new name. The red text will disappear if your name is accepted.
  6. Click Start Upload.
  7. Click Insert.
  8. Save and Publish the page for it appear on your live website.

Omni CMS does not allow spaces or capital letters in file names.

Invalid file name.  Click on the three dots to the right to see options.


Click the three dots on the right to open up options.

You can rename file names while uploading in Omni CMS, but it's best to do it beforehand.


You can rename files in Omni CMS, but it's best to do it beforehand.

Now your file name is valid!